AMSGNY By-laws

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Article I: Name
This organization shall be known as the "Greater New York Chapter of the American Musicological Society." Henceforth, these entities shall be referred to as "the Chapter" and "the Society." The official abbreviation of the Chapter shall be "AMS-GNY."

Article II: Objectives
The objectives of the Chapter shall be to foster the advancement of research in the various fields of music as a branch of learning and scholarship, and to implement policies, programs, and directives adopted by the government of the Society throughout the region of the Chapter.

Article III: Area Boundaries
The geographical area of the Chapter includes New York City and the surrounding area, Long Island, northern and central New Jersey, and western Connecticut.

Article IV: Membership and Dues
The Chapter membership shall consist of regular and student members-in-good-standing of the Society who reside within the Chapter's geographical area and who have paid annual Chapter dues. Eligibility for Chapter membership, therefore, shall be provided in Article III of the Society's amended bylaws (March 1999), as published in the 1999 Directory. Student members have the same rights and responsibilities as regular members and may hold every chapter office except Chair or AMS Council Representative.Annual dues shall be established by the Executive Committee and shall be based on the calendar year. At the beginning of each calendar year, the chair shall send a letter, flyer, or e-mail to all members of the Society who are eligible for membership in the Chapter, inviting them to pay the annual dues and, by so doing, to become members-in-good-standing of the Chapter.

Article V: Government Officers and Terms of Office
The officers of the Chapter shall be the President, the Vice President, the Past President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, (or a Secretary-Treasurer), the AMS Council Representative, and two Student Representatives to the AMS Council.
The President shall call and preside at Chapter meetings, and shall supervise the affairs of the Chapter.
The Vice President shall be in charge of programming. In the absence, incapacity, or disability of the President, the Vice President shall exercise the functions of the President. Should the office of the President fall vacant before the expiration of the appointed term, the Vice President shall fill the remaining tenure of the vacated office. Should the office of the Vice President fall vacant before the expiration of the appointed term, the President may appoint a member of the Chapter to fill the vacancy until the next Chapter meeting, at which time a member shall be elected for the remaining tenure of the vacated office.
The Past President will serve as a consultant for the President and Vice President. The President and Vice President shall each serve a two-year term, commencing at the end of the election.
Upon its adoption by the Chapter, this amendment shall apply to the current holders of the offices of President and Vice President.
The Secretary, or Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the records and correspondence of the Chapter. In the event of a vacancy in the office, the President may appoint a member of the Chapter to fill in the vacancy until the next Chapter meeting, at which time a member shall be elected for the remaining tenure of the vacated office. The Secretary, or Secretary-Treasurer, shall serve a two-year term commencing at the end of the election.The Treasurer, or Secretary-Treasurer shall collect and disburse the Chapter’s fund. In the event of a vacancy in the office, the President may appoint a member of the Chapter to fill in the vacancy until the next Chapter meeting, at which time a member shall be elected for the remaining tenure of the vacated office. The Treasurer, or Secretary-Treasurer, shall serve a two-year term commencing at the end of the election.
In accordance with Article IV of the Society’s bylaws, the Chapter shall elect a member from the regular membership to serve a three-year term as the Chapter’s regular representative on the national Council. According to this article, "The regular members of the Council shall be scholars who have made notable contributions to the stated object of the Society." The terms of Council Members shall begin with the annual meeting of the Council held at the Society’s annual meeting in the fall of the year prior to the stated first year of the elected term and extend to the day immediately prior to the annual meeting of the Council in the final year of the stated elected term. The regular representative may not be elected to a second, directly successive term in office.
In accordance with Article IV of the Society’s bylaws, the Chapter shall elect two student members from the student membership to overlapping two-year terms as the Chapter’s non-voting student representatives on the national Council. One student shall be elected each year. According to this article, "The student members of the Council shall be students who have embarked on doctoral programs in any field of musical scholarship." The terms of the student members shall begin with the annual meeting of the Council held at the Society’s annual meeting in the fall of the year prior to the stated first year of the elected term and extend to the day immediately prior to the annual meeting of the Council in the final year of the stated elected term. The newly elected student representative is expected to help with planning for Chapter meetings between the election and the official beginning of her or his term. The student representatives may not serve more than one term.
The Webmaster shall create and update the chapter website. The Webmaster is appointed by the President, and will serve at the pleasure of the President. The Webmaster will receive a small stipend for her or his services.
Nominations and Elections
The Vice President shall appoint a nominating committee from the Chapter’s membership of at least 2 members to present a slate of candidates for the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Secretary-Treasurer, and a regular and student Council representatives as called for. There should be at least two candidates for each position. In the event the nominating committee is unable to locate two qualified candidates for a position, the election may proceed with a single candidate for that position.The President should also publicize in the regular chapter mailings positions that will be open and encourage self-nominations from among the Chapter’s membership to be submitted to the nominating committee.The slate of candidates shall be mailed or emailed to all potential members of the Chapter in the form of a ballot with the notification of the meeting of the Chapter in which the election is to take place. The ballot may be part of a regular flyer-mailing of the chapter. Marked ballots must be received by the nominating committee one day before the meeting; eligible members may also vote at the meeting. Only those chapter members who have paid their dues are eligible to vote. Ballots mailed or emailed to the nominating committee must contain the name of the Chapter member clearly printed on the outside of the envelope or in the body of the email; all anonymous mail or email votes will be considered void. At the meeting, ballots will only be distributed to members in good standing. Members will have the opportunity to pay their dues at this meeting in order to vote.The votes will be tallied by the head of the nominating committee and checked by the Secretary, or Secretary-Treasurer. If the Secretary or Secretary-Treasurer is a candidate, the Treasurer or another member of the local Chapter will double check the tally. In the case of a tie, the vote will be decided by balloting all voting members present at the meeting. Should a tie again result, the vote shall be decided by the Executive Committee.No person shall hold more than one elected office in the Chapter at the same time, except in the event of a Secretary-Treasurer who fills both positions.

Article VI: Committees
The President shall appoint chairpersons and members of such committees as are necessary for the satisfactory conduct of chapter affairs and shall serve ex-officio on all committees. Committees shall consist of no fewer than three members. The term of appointment, unless specified otherwise, shall be one year.The standing committees shall be Executive and Nominating.The officers of the Chapter (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Secretary-Treasurer, and regular and student members of the Council) shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Chapter, and shall conduct any urgent business of the Chapter between regularly scheduled meetings of the Chapter.The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. All candidates for office must be members-in-good-standing of the Society and the Chapter.In the event that the Executive Committee determines the need for chapter publications, the chairperson shall appoint a Publications Committee which shall collaborate with the Executive Committee in connection with the publication and distribution of publications. The Chapter shall publish a Newsletter if and when it deems such publication desirable.With the approval of the Executive Committee, the President may remove and replace members of the Committees.

Article VII: Publications
Publications, including, but not limited to, the meeting notifications and the annual election list, are to be approved by the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer (or Secretary-Treasurer).

Article VIII: Meetings
The Chapter shall normally hold 2 to 4 half- or full-day meetings during the months of September to June. Notifications of each meeting shall be mailed to each member at least one month in advance. Optimally, each meeting notice will also contain a reminder of the dates of the future meetings. Normally there shall be no more than one joint meeting with another society or music department per academic year.The President with consultation of the Executive Committee if needed shall prepare the program for the regular meetings of the Chapter. The President shall issue a call for papers to the Chapter Membership at least three months in advance of the scheduled meetings. Members who wish to present papers must submit to the Committee an abstract of not more than 500 words by the announced deadline date.All members of the Society who are eligible for membership in the Chapter shall receive every meeting announcement. All members of the Society, their guests, and other interested parties may attend the meetings; only those members of the Society who are eligible for membership in the Chapter and who have paid their dues are members-in-good-standing.10 members-in-good-standing of the Chapter shall constitute a quorum.The President shall hold a business meeting at the Spring meeting for the purpose of elections and chapter business. If circumstances require it, the President may also hold a business meeting at the Fall meeting. At the Spring business meeting, the Treasurer, or Secretary-Treasurer, shall distribute the minutes of the preceding meeting and shall report on the assets and liabilities of the Chapter. The Student and Regular council members shall prepare a brief report on the AMS Council Meeting and the Student Representatives Meeting to be delivered by at least one of the three Council members.

Article IX: Chapter Relations
The Treasurer or Secretary-Treasurer shall submit an annual report, verified by the President, to the Secretary of the Society by 1 June each year, giving details of Chapter meetings and financial operations.The Secretary or Secretary-Treasurer shall report to the Editor of the AMS Newsletter by the announced deadline twice a year all material concerning the Chapter's affairs to be published in the Newsletter, except information regarding Chapter officers and papers read at Chapter meetings, all of which is reported to the Secretary of the Society as indicated in Point A.The Treasurer or Secretary-Treasurer shall apply to the Chairperson of the Society's Chapter Fund Committee for the regular Chapter funding allotment from the Society and for special funds for particular projects with the Chapter's official activities and functions, as provided for by directives of the Society and as approved by the Chapter's Executive Committee.

Article X: Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Chapter shall run from January 1 through December 31.

Article XI: Action of the Chapter
No action of the Chapter shall be considered as an action of the Society unless approved by the Society's Board of Directors.

Article XII: Amendments
Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed to the Chapter's Executive Committee by an appointed Constitutional Committee, by the membership of the Chapter at a stated business meeting, or by a petition of five or more members to the Chairperson. Amendments thus proposed shall be made known to the membership at least four weeks before the next meeting, and they shall be placed on the agenda of that meeting for discussion and revision. Two-thirds of the ballots cast in a mail ballot submitted to the Chapter membership and at the meeting shall be required for acceptance of the amendment.

Article XIII: Rules
Robert's Rules of Order shall govern all meetings and committees where those rules are applicable and consistent with these bylaws. The immediate Past President, or another Chapter member designated by the President, shall serve as parliamentarian.

Article XIV: Dissolution of the Chapter
In the event of the dissolution of the Chapter, any assets remaining shall be disposed of by the Society's Board of Directors in accordance with the Society's bylaws.

September 5, 1999
First emendation approved by Chapter vote October 16, 1999
Second emendation approved by Chapter vote April 28, 2007
Third emendation approved by Chapter vote April 4, 2009
Fourth emendation approved by Chapter vote May 1, 2010

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